Extension and Inflating: the therapy of the shoulder and antique hippiatres

by Louise Sephocle*, Valérie Gitton-Ripoll**, François Vallat***
*Doctorante en Lettres Classiques, Université de Brest L’Hermitage, 29600 Plourin- les-Morlaix, Adel. lou.sephocle@orange.fr
**Maître de conférences en latin, UFR Lettres Université de Toulouse 2 Le Mirail, 5 allée  Antonio-Machado 31058 Toulouse cedex 9, Adel. vgitton@wanadoo.fr
***Docteur vétérinaire, Docteur en Histoire, Adel. francoisvallat@hotmail.com

The Late Antiquity hippiatres describe the treatment of ailments of the horse’s shoulder. The original texts and their translations are reproduced in the annex. The relevance of the means of diagnosis is discussed. Preparations for external use, surgical reduction by the rota, and subcutaneous insufflation of the shoulder, traditional treatment sometimes still in use nowadays are presented.

Bull.soc.fr.hist.méd.sci.vét., 2012, 12 : 177-206